2904 29 Ave, Vernon, BC V1T 1Y7

Job Postings

We are an Indigenous non-profit affiliated with the BC Association of Friendship Centres. Our mission is to provide culturally appropriate health/social programs and services for the North Okanagan community.

The North Okanagan Friendship Center Society (NOFCS) is a non-profit that has been committed to its mission for 45 years to provide culturally appropriate health and social programs and services for urban Indigenous people in the North Okanagan community.

The Center is a place where people can meet for social, recreational, cultural and education activities. There are diverse programs that offer support and many opportunities for prevention, counselling, prenatal care, early childhood development, youth and elder programs, housing for young people, and employment and training programs.

We continue to advocate and embrace our Indigenous heritage through various cultural events and activities and in particular our season events throughout the year.

NOFCS continues to support the overall Friendship Center Movement, within British Columbia and Canada, which is built upon community support, trust, strong leadership, tradition and faith. The Friendship Center Movement is mandated to improve the quality of life for Indigenous people through Canada. The BC Aboriginal Association of Friendship Centers is the umbrella association for the 25 Friendship Centers in British Columbia.



NOFCS Job Postings

External Job Postings - OKIB JOB POSTINGS